Palace of the Culture and Sport
Veliko Tarnovo
«Incredible vocals, a very funny show!» - NEW YORK POST
Voca People will take you on a magical musical journey, filled with familiar tunes in a completely new and whimsical interpretation. No instruments, no sound effects – just eight incredibly talented comical vocalists, expertly beatboxing in a unique vocal percussion style. They will reproduce an entire orchestra vocally.
Voca People are granted with many awards; this comical and energetic group of vocalists will impress you with over one hundred hits of Madonna, Elton John, Bruno Mars and Michael Jackson. And their unique rendition of Mozart deserves a special mention!
«Aliens with golden voices!» – Le Figaro
The Voca People have been on a US tour over the last 15 months. Only in Paris, they performed an impressive 500 shows, followed by tours all over France, Belgium, Switzerland, South Africa, Asia with four Chinese tours, and three tours of South Korea and Singapore.
«Бұл естен тандырарлық!»
Нью-Йорк таймс
«Алтын дауысты өзге ғаламдықтар!»
Ле Фигаро
Пари матч
«Керемет вокал, өте қызықты шоу!»
Нью-Йорк пост
Some additional facts that speak for themselves:
Palace of the Culture and Sport
Veliko Tarnovo